Divorce shakes your external world as well as impact your internal one.
Don’t go through the process alone - book a free consultation now.
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Make it make sense…
Do you experience any of the following?
Anxiety, Worry, Restlessness
Mind fog, lack of focus and productivity
Financial stress
Self doubt, lack of self esteem/confidence
Lack of appetite or binge eating
Relationships impacted
Feelings of alienation or isolation
Lack of desire for old habits that brought you joy
Challenged with small daily tasks
During each phase of divorce - prior, during and post, can be an extremely stressful and disorientating time.
Take back control today.
Book your free consultation.
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”
— African Proverb
With 20 years of experience to guide and support you…
Claire started in the legal industry 2007 and has over 7 years experience running her own family law practice .
Michelle has 2 years teaching, 1 year of coaching, has a degree in psychology and a lifetime of self development.
We Guarantee…
After the free confidential consultation you will feel more:
Mentally Clear